Rseding, boskid, kovarex

Rseding, boskid, kovarex

26 Jul

We all love building bigger and bigger, but hitting the UPS ceiling really puts a damper on the mood.
Thats why we must continue our endless quest to optimize the game.

Roboports OptimizationRseding

I've profiled many save files over the years of working on Factorio and frequently see saves where logistics and or construction robots are taking a lot of update time. That's nothing new, but along with robots come Roboports - in large numbers.

A typical factory with lots of roboports.

Roboports have never been "slow" but they're always present and people are encouraged to build a lot of them - even more in the upcoming Space Age where you want to do a lot remotely. After the most recent play-testing session, the resulting save once again showed them taking some small, but non-zero amount of time, and it got...

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